E mihi ake ana Te Rūnanga ki ō tātou whānau huri noa i te ao, nō reira kia kaha tātou kia māia tātou ā ngā wiki otirā ā te tau hou nei, kia harikoa.
Kia Ora Whānau
We are already nearing the end of 2021 and no doubt you will all be getting ready for the celebrations at Christmas and New Year. So, before we all head off, I wanted to wish you all a fabulous Christmas and joyful new year; and please keep safe during this holiday period.
This newsletter also provides an opportunity to update you all on Rūnanga activities for the last six months, since our Annual General Meeting. We have had an incredibly busy first six months with key focuses on:
The Takutai Moana application process is progressing well. A number of key new interviews have been transcribed, as well as historical interviews recorded for the Heritage Plan in 2010 and the NIWA Water report in 2012.
The historians have completed their first draft and a second draft will be with the claims manager shortly. It will be reviewed by key whanau members and feedback provided to the historians so that a final draft will be submitted to the Executive Committee in February. These products position us well for our court case in June 2022.
With regards to the Wai 30 and remaining claims, we have provided Waikato Tainui with our preferred Oati. This Oati focuses on preserving Ngāti Hikairo Rangatiratanga and Mana Motuhake. Despite our significant efforts we remain concerned with the limitations that are proposed by Waikato Tainui for Ngāti Hikairo. We are now working with Te Arawhiti to progress options for settling our claims and a further meeting has been planned for mid-January 2022. We are continuing to work toward presenting all of the treaty claims options to whānau at the next Annual General Meeting in June 2022.
The Executive have met and will continue to meet with the Trustees of Waipapa Marae regarding all of these claims and how they are progressing.
In addition, Lees Seymour, the Claims Manager has begun a series of Zoom Hui where he updates the whānau on the progress of claims. The dates will be Posted on the website, and I encourage members to attend if they are able.
To help with our decision making and improve our governance, considerable effort has been put into establishing robust policies on privacy, behaviour, communications, and financial controls. As a result, we have established an Audit and Risk Sub Committee and a Communications Sub Committee.
Implementing these changes are imperative as we move from tier 4 charity to a tier 3 charity in the next financial year.
We will continue to improve our governance structures to prepare the Rūnanga as its activities increase over the next several years to improve transparency and capability.
In closing I again wish all of you a merry Christmas and safe and happy new year. I look forward to seeing you all in 2022.
Naku Noa,
Susan Turner
Chair, Te Rūnanganui o Ngāti Hikairo,