Are You Joining the AGM by Zoom?

If you are, here are some tips about joining in and taking part in a mass meeting by Zoom.

Mics off Cameras on

For most computers when you are in a zoom meeting your mic will be on.  If it is and you speak or there is a loud noise in the background, the hosting software will try and ensure your voice is heard through the speakers at the venue.


Clearly this can be disruptive for a meeting where there are tens of people attending via zoom.  To assist with managing the meeting you need to turn off or “mute” your mic.  It is likely that this may be something that the administrator enforces so that the meeting can occur in an orderly way, but it is a good habit to get into yourself.

How can I be heard if I want to say something?

The Chair will be managing the meeting to make sure that everyone, those that are at the AGM in person and those who are attending via zoom, have an opportunity to be heard.


For every item on the agenda the chair will make time available for questions from the floor and once those are completed, will ask for any questions from whanau attending by zoom.


If you wish to ask a question about an item on the agenda, all you need do is use the “Raise a Hand” function.  You will find this on the top right-hand side of your screen under the “More” function. 


The administrator will advise the chair if there are any questions from whanau on Zoom, and you will be given an opportunity to ask your questions in the order that the zoom whanau raise their hands.


Your hand will stay up on zoom until you take it down, which you should do once you have asked your question.

How will I vote on decisions?

When the chair seeks a decision from members you will be able to vote by using the chat message system.  On the right had of your screen is a function called “Participants”.


If you click on this heading a drop-down box will appear listing all of the people who are joining via zoom.  You will note that the host of the zoom meeting is Susan Turner.  When voting on an item, send her a message with the agenda number and your vote. 


All of the votes from the whanau joining via zoom will be collated for each vote by the administrator who will be sitting at the meeting.

How will I vote for the elections?

The elections can occur in two ways, by universal acclaim, or by individual vote.

Universal Acclaim

This happens when there are either less people standing then vacancies available, or in the case of officers, one person standing for an office.


If there are no objections, then the chair can move for a vote to confirm all of the nominees who have put their names forward for either the office or the committee from the general meeting.


If there is universal acceptance, or a clear majority, then all of the nominees are appointed.


For whanau on Zoom you will vote in this election by using the “Raise your Hand” function.

Individual Vote

If there is an objection or request for individual voting, then each person with a valid nomination for either an officer’s position or a position on the Executive will be voted on individually by the membership.  A clear majority is required from the membership to confirm a person’s nomination.


For our Zoom Whanau, if you wish to object and seek individual voting, you must send a message to the administrator when the chair seeks approval for acceptance of nominations by acclaim.


If the meeting decides to vote individually, then you must message the administrator your decision for each officers role and each person who is nominated for the Executive.


Hopefully this information will help you fully participate in our AGM.  We look forward to seeing you at the meeting on Saturday.

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