He wahine toa, he wahine maaia, he wahine kaha i roto i toona aroha moo toona iwi. E, Vinnie, moe mai raa i raro i te korowai o ngoo tuupuna e tatari ana mou. Ma taatou te hunga ora hei taka i nga roimata, te hupe me te poouri hei whakamahu ana i te ngaakau.
It is with joy in her life and sadness in her absence that we hear of the passing of our huaanga Vinnie Pittar. Vinnie was a beautiful, strong and proud voice for our iwi – and a valued member of Te Ruunanganui o Ngaati Hikairo for a number of years. Her absence will be keenly felt by us all.
Vinnie will make her way home to Kaawhia to lie in state at Waipapa on 14 September 2022. Nau mai, e te iwi to remember, mourn and celebrate the life of a true rock of Ngaati Hikairo.
He tuku aroha tino nui ki toona whaanau whaanui e noho pani i teenei waa uaua.
Ka heke te roimata me te hupe, ka ea te mate
Te Runanganui o Ngati Hikairo