Christmas Message from the Chair

As 2022 draws to a close, it is a good time to take stock and look back over the last year, and the six months since the AGM in July.


For me there have been several highlights and lowlights in 2022.  On a personal level my whānau have weathered some difficult times in the last year, we have lost some people who were dear to us or seen others who have endured illness.  We have also been fortunate in that while our whanau have been through some difficult times, we have come out the other side better and stronger.  I know that many of you have had similar experiences in the last year and my aroha goes out to you all. 


Iwi Development

The Rūnanganui continues to focus on our iwi development that encompasses the vision of Ngāti Hikairo.  We have commenced discussions with the Otorohonga District Council and advisors in community development.  We hope to progress this development in 2023. 


Treaty of Waitangi Claims and Takutai Moana Application

For our iwi, it has also been a year of change and development for the Rūnanganui.  Our focus remains on the progressing of our Waitangi Tribunal Claims and the Takutai Moana Application.  Both areas are taking much of the limited resources we have; however, they are critical for the future of Ngāti Hikairo.  As I said in my posting in November, the first steps on this road have been started with the Hui we are having to discuss our negotiation options with the Crown.


I encourage all of the iwi to undertake two actions early in the new year:


  1. Register as a tribal member on the Ngāti Hikairo Rūnanganui Website. When we as an iwi make decisions on how we will negotiate our claims with the crown, who will negotiate with the crown on our behalf, and any agreement for settlement with Crown, voting will be completed by registered tribal members.
  2. Take part in the Options for Negotiations Hui that are being held around the country by Lees Seymour, our iwi claims manager. These hui are the first steps for us in our journey to engage with the Crown over our losses and grievances.   The information needs to be carefully considered by the iwi and this will be the first of several processes the Runanganui will be using to help support whanau through this journey.


Financial Accounts

With the arrival of Duncan, our new Treasurer, we have continued the process of establishing compliant and best practice financial accounts for the Rūnanganui.  Duncan heads a new subcommittee focused on Audit and Risk Management.  He has also been key to moving our balance date to a July/June cycle which aligns with the government and funding entities financial periods, registering the new constitution with the Charities Commission and engaging with Te Arawhiti and the Territorial Authorities to ensure agreed payments are made.


Resource Management Committee

This Committee remains one of the most active parts of the Rūnanganui, managing requests for consultation on consent applications from all three of the territorial authorities that have responsibilities in our Rohe, as well as other key agencies such as the Department of Conservation and Waka Kotahi.


We will be beginning a process of publishing short descriptions of all the consents and consultation processes under the Resource Management Act that we have taken part in on the Rūnanganui Website.  The Information will be updated monthly so that whanau can be aware of activity in our Rohe.


Like a lot of the work that is undertaken to meet obligations that we have, all of it is completed by iwi members for aroha.  Without this support we would not be able to respond to most of the requests that are made of us.  I wish to thank all of the people who tirelessly give of their time so that we may continue to uphold our roles as Kaitiaki of Kawhia Moana, our taonga and with the boundaries of our traditional rohe.


As we move from one year to another and travel home to our whanau around the motu, on behalf of the Executive, I wish you all a safe and happy Christmas and New Year’s.  I look forward to continuing to work for our iwi in the new year




Susan Turner

Chair, Te Rūnanganui o Ngāti Hikairo

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