E te iwi nui tonu, kia manawanui!
This statement outlines the position of Te Rūnanganui o Ngāti Hikairo on a recent announcement by the trustees of Waipapa marae to secure funds to buy land in Kāwhia using (unsecured) Wai 30 settlement pūtea.
The marae trustees have not discussed this arrangement with the Rūnanga.
This is a summary of our concerns:
- There has been no consultation with the people of Ngāti Hikairo.
- This arrangement impacts all of Kāwhia moana, and all harbours in the West Coast harbours claim (Wai 30).
- There is a lack of transparency about the details of the arrangement.
- There is no evidence of any risk assessment being undertaken for Waipapa, or for Ngāti Hikairo.
- This arrangement has the potential to divide Ngāti Hikairo, and all people of Te Tai Hau-ā-uru.
Since 1995 Ngāti Hikairo has managed a robust treaty settlement kaupapa to pursue our options as an iwi – we have now arrived at a place where we can decide to enter into direct negotiation with the Crown. This decision of the marae trustees and Te Ara Taura will impact heavily on the negotiations by Te Rūnanganui o Ngāti Hikairo for our claims.
While we explore our options, the Rūnanga will shortly post information about a Zoom hui to have a whakawhitiwhiti kōrero on this issues.
Nō reira Ngāti Hikairo, kia mau, kia mau, kia mau.
Susan Turner
Te Rūnanganui o Ngāti Hikai